Sempai Radu Tecuceanu

Radu Tecuceanu

Sempai Radu Tecuceanu - nidan (2nd dan) Instructor

I started my karate journey in Romania in 1992 and got my first black belt a few years later. I took a break for a few years after an injury and moving to a different city, but started training again with another club.

After moving to Canada with my family in 2010, I was lucky to bump into a karate class at the YMCA where my son was going for swimming lessons. I joined the club and did everything I could to get back to my previous level. I re-graded for the brown and black belt and continued the journey as a student and later as an instructor.

I see karate as a way of life, a way of understanding yourself better, a way of getting more confident, balanced, coordinated, and flexible in body, mind and spirit. When done properly and constantly, karate helps people in all aspects of their lives.

I continue training and teaching as it is so rewarding to see all the amazing changes our students go through when they focus, work hard and give their best in the dojo.

I really like exploring the world of tea, reading, and biking.

Facts about me

  • Started karate at 16
  • Obsessed tea drinker
  • My whole family is training in karate
  • Mountains and forests are my happy place
  • Big believer in small, constant improvements in the right direction

Meet the Instructors
